- Damnet SC AgrééeLocal et Cloud AdminitratorDIGITAL & ITJuly 2020 - Today (4 years and 7 months)BelgiumWindows server Local administratorAzure virtual Desktop administratorMicrosoft 365 Administrattor
- advensys s.a.ICT ConsultantJune 2018 - April 2020 (1 year and 10 months)Wavre, Belgium
- InforiusIT Support EngineerOctober 2016 - May 2018 (1 year and 7 months)Brussels, Belgium• Providing desk side to customers• Maintains systems performance by performing system monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning,• Troubleshooting system software and operating and system management systems,• Participate in change projects and innovating projects and where required deliver the solution within agreed timescales,• created, configured mailboxes for users and mail account ,• Document processes or adapt some procedures,
- Skills training , Network and System AdministratorTechnofutur TIC2016Skills training , Network and System Administrator
- CQSS, Computer Systems Networking and TelecommunicationsIpepspp farciennes2015CQSS, Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
- BTS, Industrial Technology/TechnicianISTTA ABIDJAN2007BTS, Industrial Technology/Technician