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Caroline A.

administratrice systeme et reseau orienté azure
  • Suggested rate
    €500 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response timeA few days
The project will begin once you accept Caroline's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Namur, Belgique
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Namur (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set (23)
Caroline in a few words
System and network administrator for more than 5 years, I have acquired technical skills in the configuration of network systems, administration and deployment of Windows server operating systems and a little Linux,
I oriented my professional career towards the AZURE and AWS Cloud. My career path has led me to develop a certain versatility and autonomy in my work. I am solution oriented and know how to be very rigorous in everything I do

my areas of expertise:

Windows server Local administrator
Azure virtual Desktop administrator
Microsoft 365 Administrattor
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    July 2020 - Today (4 years and 7 months)
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    Azure virtual Desktop administrator
    Microsoft 365 Administrattor
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    Brussels, Belgium

    • Providing desk side to customers
    • Maintains systems performance by performing system monitoring and analysis, and performance tuning,
    • Troubleshooting system software and operating and system management systems,
    • Participate in change projects and innovating projects and where required deliver the solution within agreed timescales,
    • created, configured mailboxes for users and mail account ,
    • Document processes or adapt some procedures,
  • Skills training , Network and System Administrator
    Technofutur TIC
    Skills training , Network and System Administrator
  • CQSS, Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
    Ipepspp farciennes
    CQSS, Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
  • BTS, Industrial Technology/Technician
    BTS, Industrial Technology/Technician