- Cooperative Network for Building Researchers (CNBR-L)ModeratorFebruary 2020 - Today (5 years)A mail list for those who have an interest in building research and related fields including project management, real estate and construction. Typical messages include research queries, announcements for forthcoming conferences, and news about research vacancies, journal contents and new books. Members also discuss topics of common interest. Most list members are academic researchers but many industry practitioners also participate.
- The Board Of AdvisorsqCloudCostingJune 2020 - Today (4 years and 8 months)Research collaboration, identifying CostInformatics-related research problem, assisting in promoting the adoption of deliverables emanating from the research and software development efforts.
- Technological University DublinDoctoral CandidateSeptember 2016 - March 2021 (4 years and 6 months)Carrying out Research on Sustainable Procurement in the Construction Industry.
- Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Construction ManagementTechnological University2020Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Construction Management
- Msc, Quantity Surveying ( Mechanical and Electrical)The University of Salford2014Msc, Quantity Surveying ( Mechanical and Electrical)
- Msc, Construction ManagementUniversity of Jos2008Msc, Construction Management
- B.Tech (Hons), Quantity SurveyingAbubakar Tafawa Balewa University2003B.Tech (Hons), Quantity Surveying
- National Diploma, Building and Quantity SurveyingFederal Polytechnic Nasarawa1998National Diploma, Building and Quantity Surveying