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Emma Marlow

Chief of Staff. Change consultant. Comms pro.
  • Suggested rate
    €600 / day
  • Experience15+ years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Emma's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Emma in a few words
I help leaders lead.

I'm an experienced professional with a growth mindset approach and the ability to identify key business challenges, working with C-suites and Founders to bring to life innovative, scalable solutions, whether it's streamlining business operations, structuring and delivering change programmes or evolving strategic client management to set the stage for success.

Oh and I also enjoy ghosting for fellow consultants who have great client relationships but need back office support to exceed expectations. Presentations created, processes defined, L&D programmes developed, initiatives optimized, POVs delivered and more...
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  • demonllama Limited
    May 2013 - December 2020 (7 years and 7 months)
    Wise Heart Communications
    Business intelligence and GTM planning for ethical toy brand.

    Fashion Retail Academy
    Associate Lecturer position teaching website development principles and practice to Further Education learners.

    2Heads Ltd.
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    World Wide Tribe
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    Merrittocracy Ltd.
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    Dentsu Aegis Network
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  • Bachelor of Science
    BSc (Hons), Communication & Information Studies