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John Owens

Business Adviser
  • Suggested rate
    €901 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept John's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Lincoln, England, United Kingdom
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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John in a few words
I work with a range of clients, both public sector and SME, in the areas of business consultancy, establishing and growing a business, marketing, raising funding and also training. I work with them to help them develop their business in the direction that we have jointly defined to be what they want to achieve.
  • John Owens Associates
    March 2011 - Today (13 years and 11 months)
    I work with a range of clients, both public sector and SME, in the areas of business consultancy, establishing and growing a business, marketing, raising funding and also training. I work with firms to help them develop their business in the direction that we have jointly defined to be what they want to achieve. This might be via new processes - or improving the performance of their existing ones, maybe by getting more visitors to their website, or turning more of those visitors into customers. It might e.g. include developing marketing activities such as email, or other collateral. It might be raising funding via Business Angels, or even crowdfunding. Each firm is unique and the answers are rarely exactly the same. After working with literally thousands of clients over the last 20+ years, I'm expert in the developing of materials, funding, processes and staff training to get a firm more profitable customers, to improve their staff or develop new funding I'm very clear about working firmly within the context of "what are your business aims" – what do you want to achieve for your business? I I firmly believe in being honest, clear and open with my clients - I speak English, not jargon. Your business aim is foremost - and your business is your business, I'm there to help! I have also run - with associates - a 1-2-1 business support programme with 1-2-1 support, training and grant elements to business on the East Coast, from Grimsby to Boston. This was very successful, and overachieved on all outputs without going over budget. I also worked on a contract with NBV Enterprises to deliver business support to a range of (particularly) start-ups across the East & West Lindsey and Boston Borough areas of Lincolnshire. This contract was from December 2016 to December 2022, when EU-based contract funding on this role ended.
  • NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd
    Workshop Facilitator
    October 2012 - October 2014 (2 years)
    Worked part time for NBV, delivering a range of Master Classes on web & business related topics
  • 360e Ltd
    Director & Consultant
    November 2004 - February 2011 (6 years and 3 months)
    Full time as Director and Consultant with 360e Ltd based in Lincoln. (The business existed part time from 2004 to 2007). Undertook work with SME clients relating to business /e-business / IT development strategies, assisting them in making informed choices as to suppliers, as well as providing training on related topics. Training deliverer on behalf of the emda-funded East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Ebusinessclub programme across the East Midlands ( During 2008-March 2009, contract managed and delivered consultancy to a large scale contract with the Lincolnshire County Council OnLincolnshire project, working with them provide ICT & e-Business support to circa 100 SME clients across the county. This role also involved extensive selection and liaison with a broad range of business ICT /web suppliers to address client needs. During 2009, delivered contract with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce (funded by emda) as an eBusiness Consultant to provide a specialist diagnostic service for SME's in the East Midlands area. The aim was to provide eligible businesses with a fully subsidised independent and impartial service, specifically targeted at addressing a technology based issue within the business that prevents their growth. The service resulted in the development of a project specific Action Plan that will support the interaction between the business and the Business Link Adviser in order to support a possible grant application.
  • Master of Business Administration - MBA
    The Open University
    MBA, Business
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Urban Design, City/Urban,
    University of Nottingham
    Post-Graduate Diploma in Urban Design, City/Urban,
  • Bachelor of Arts
    University of Nottingham
    Bachelor of Arts - BA, Geography
  • Diploma in Strategic Business Coaching
    Chartered Management Institute
    Diploma in Strategic Business Coaching