- HSBA Hamburg School of Business AdministrationUniversity LecturerOctober 2018 - Today (6 years and 4 months)Hamburg Area, Germany
- Heldenkombinat Technologies GmbHManaging DirectorDecember 2018 - Today (6 years and 2 months)Hamburg Area, Germany
- Heldenkombinat Technologies GmbHCo-founder and CTOFebruary 2018 - Today (6 years and 12 months)Hamburg Area, GermanyWe build AI solutions that accelerate productivity and discover new strategies. www.heldenkombinat.com
- Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)University of Hamburg2019Biomimetic Computation and Embodied Embedded Cognition for Spatial Audition in Humanoids. Hamburg, Germany I completed my doctoral work from 2011 to 2014 with a total of 2 journal and 4 conference publications. Afterwards, I moved to the industry and did my disputation in 2019.
- Master of Science (M.Sc.)University of Groningen2011Visual-Topological Mapping: An approach for Indoor Robot Navigation. Groningen, the Netherlands
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla2008Analysis of Pelton Turbines at Different Rotational Speeds DOUBLE DEGREE Puebla, Mexico