- SACDBACKEND WEB DEVELOPER PHP SYMFONY 4/5CULTUREMay 2020 - February 2023 (2 years and 9 months)Paris, FranceRESPONSIBILITIES• Maintaining and updating web applications of SACD• Developing new tools for users of the web platform of management of royalties ACHIEVEMENTS• Migrated 5 web applications of the SACD from Symfony 2.8 to Symfony 5.4• Created with a team of 5 people a website which displayed more than 500 000 YouTube Videos of 300 SACD members• Developing a platform displaying all the royalties of SACD members with 4 temporal filters and 3 filters by categories• Established 5 documentation files concerning SACD web applications Technology stack: PHP7, SYMFONY 5, SYMFONY4, SYMFONY2, LINUX, GITLAB, PHPSTORM, SQL Server, PostgreSQL
- WYNDBACKEND WEB DEVELOPERSeptember 2019 - March 2020 (6 months)Paris, FranceRESPONSIBILITY:• Improving the order management system of the omnichannel fulfillment produced by Wynd with Symfony features• Participating at all the meetings of the SCRUM process ACHIEVEMENTS:• Added 10 ranking criteria for order preparations with Symfony consumers and listeners• Implemented 20 functional and unit tests with PHPUnit and Codeception Technology stack: PHP7, SYMFONY 3, LINUX, DOCKER, RABBITMQ, GITLAB, PHPSTORM, MySQL
- AlphonsePHP Web DeveloperDIGITAL & ITApril 2019 - August 2019 (4 months)92500 Rueil-Malmaison, FranceRESPONSIBILITY :• Developing from scratch with Symfony tools a web application to automate the contracts database management. ACHIEVEMENTS:• Created 3 tools for the web application (automatically generated email system with SwiftMailer, filter system with Ajax scripts, authentication system with FOSUserBundle)• Established the code coverage by setting up 20 unit tests with PHPUnit• Configured test and production environments. Technology stack: PHP7, SYMFONY 3, LINUX, DOCKER, RABBITMQ, GITLAB, PHPSTORM, MySQL
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