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Mark Webb

Business Consultant
  • Suggested rate
  • Experience15+ years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Mark's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Pau, France
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Verified email
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Mark in a few words
I am a detail-oriented professional with a successful track record in achieving
sustainable business growth through the development and implementation
of robust initiatives at board level. I pro-actively participate in all aspects of
business development and management, from operations and finance to
marketing and human resources.

I am an entrepreneur with extensive experience in growing and leading businesses. I provide my services as a management consultant including, but not limited to, areas such as: strategic business planning, project management, margin optimisation, commercial planning and forecasting, executive hiring practices, risk management and operational improvement.

I have had an extensive and varied career during which I have worked in, or
closely with, a wide range of industry sectors, including banking and finance,
power and water utilities, central government and public sector, telecoms,
retail and hospitality.
  • LonelyPeak Consultants
    Founder and Business Consultant
    January 2024 - Today (1 year and 2 months)
    64000 Pau, France
    I established LonelyPeak Consultants because I understand the responsibility that comes with running a business. When the pressure is on, it can be hard to know where to turn. But that's when I can help.

    I am here to help business leaders make the best choices for their organisation, implement positive change, and optimise performance, as well as acting as an independent sounding board to provide leaders with the help and guidance they need. Whether you are a budding new start-up, a family-run business, or a large corporate enterprise, you will benefit from my knowledge and wealth of experience.

    Based in the south of France, I provide my services both remotely and on-site at the client’s offices, which ever provides the best solution. I help businesses with areas such as strategic business planning, commercial forecasting, executive talent management, margin optimisation and risk management to name but a few.

    Whether it is initial guidance with a particular project or longer-term assistance that you need, I am here to help.

    To find out more about how I can help you meet your objectives, improve outcomes, and drive sustainable growth, please contact me or visit my website at
  • Advantis Credit Limited
    Chief Executive Officer
    May 2005 - July 2022 (17 years and 3 months)
    Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
    Advantis is a business process outsourcing company providing debt recovery and credit management services to clients across a range of market sectors including central government, utilities, financial services, and telecoms operating in the United Kingdom. Employing more than 250 team members, it recovers in excess of £180million (€212m) per year for its clients.
    As the CEO, I led the business through significant growth and market change, including the introduction of a new regulatory body, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). As a regulated firm, I held FCA Approved Persons status for more than six years.
    Working within a strict regulatory regime, I developed a robust compliance function and risk management framework and introduced sophisticated commercial operating models, financial forecasting, and business analytics. Under my guidance, the company saw significant sustained growth to become one of the largest and most successful in the industry.
    I then successfully managed the sale of the business to international investors, Outsourcing Inc., in deal which completed in January 2020. Outsourcing Inc. is a Japanese-listed company, on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange that operates globally with an annual turnover, in 2020, of £2.2billion (€2.59bn), employing over 86,000 people worldwide. I continued in my role as CEO at Advantis after the acquisition for a further two and a half years until I relocated to France.

  • Vertex Data Science (United Utilities
    Litigation Manager
    June 2004 - May 2005 (11 months)
    Warrington, England, United Kingdom
    United Utilities is a water utility provider to the Northwest region of England providing water to 7.8 million customers generating revenue of £1.7bn (€1.97bn), per annum.
    On a one-year contract, I established a litigation department for the utility provider, including: operation process mapping, creation, and monitoring; business analytics and management information; recruitment and training of personnel; creation and implementation of litigation processes from data driven account selection and processing of high volume of county court claims.
  • BSc. Chemistry
    Manchester Metropolitan University