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Liko Sonexarth

Full Stack developer
  • Suggested rate
    €261 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Liko's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Vientiane, Laos
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Liko in a few words
Web & Mobile App Development, Android, iOS, PHP, Node.JS, ASP.NET, JAVA, Python, GoLang, WebRTC, AR/VR, OpenGL,Unity3D, AI, BlockChain
We started working about 10 years ago with WebRTC, AR/VR, AI and so on.

For many years, my team have worked for many companies and developed large system.
I have received good reviews from them after finished projects.

I work with talented partners.
Our talented team of over 20 experts leverage the latest technologies in order to help you achieve your desired business goals. Our team specializes in:

- Web: PHP, Ruby, Node.JS, ASP.NET
- Mobile: Android, iOS, Hybrid, Xamarin
- RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle
- Platforms: Linux(RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu,…), Windows, Mac OS
- State of the Art Tech: Blockchain, Crowdsourcing, Machine Learning, VR/AR

And much more...

Our approach is clean and economical and allows our team to enter and exit your development process seamlessly, with no disruption.

This allows my software team to support and supplement your team at any level you need, from rapid development of an individual module or longer-term outsourcing of maintenance and enhancements of a full-scale project.

- Each of our programmers have earned a degree in Computer Science or a S.T.E.M. discipline. We walk the talk!
- We are located in the America, Japan, Mexico, China and other countries. You contact my team in any time.
- We can communicate freely in English, Japanese, Spanish and Chinese. Using Phone, Email, Skype and WhatsApp.

We ensure your end goal is met, and successfully implemented, on time and within budget.

We look forward to turning your vision into a reality.
  • Sakura Bloom
    Full Stack Developer
    March 2016 - January 2019 (2 years and 10 months)
    Tokyo, Japan
    SKB (the bitcoin market in Japan)
    May 2016-January 2019

    Description: I was involved into 4 projects with SKB.
    My role was the full stack developer in this project.
    The project's objective was to develop a cryptocurrency wallet on web and also the client could use that wallet on mobile.
    And seller could upload the content which was going to sell.
    And client could buy the ticket and digital content which was uploaded by the seller from this site by using crypto currency wallet as payment method.
    The project consts of two stages.
    First stage consists two parts(RestAPI Server, Web Fontend)
    Second stage consists the other two parts(Mobile APP, Ticket Confirming App)
    I was responsible for developing RestAPI Server, Web Frontend, and aslo Mobile App.
    RestAPI Server was developed by using ExpressJS.
    Web Frontend was developed by using ReactJS.
    Mobile APP was developed by using ReactNative.
    Site supports BTC, ETH, SKB, XRP.

    Technologies used: ReactJS, ReactNative, NodeJS, Crypto Currency(BTC, ETH, XRP, SKB), Web Socket, MongoDB.
    React.js React Native Node.js crypto Currency MongoDB Web development Mobile development
  • Bachelor Computer Science
    The University of Texas at Austin