- UnibetDeveloppeur Vue.jsDIGITAL & ITJune 2022 - Today (2 years and 8 months)Paris, France
- Prevision.ioIngenieur fullstackSOFTWARE PUBLISHINGJune 2021 - March 2022 (9 months)Paris, France
- Meilleurs AgentsDeveloppeur ReactREAL ESTATEJanuary 2021 - May 2021 (5 months)Paris, France
Flavio Palacin and 1 other person have recommended Osir
- Architecte logiciel, développeur d'applicationEtna2020Developpement Web et applicatif Langages web: HTML, CSS, Javascript Mobile: Swift/Java Logiciels: Java/C++