- EuroclearSenior Software Engineer / ArchitectBANKING & INSURANCEFebruary 2022 - Today (2 years and 11 months)As a Senior Software Engineer/Architect I am supporting agile adoption and technology migration to .Net, ServiceFabric and Angular.
- Trust In techDirectorDIGITAL & ITSeptember 2021 - Today (3 years and 5 months)Paris, FranceWorking with Chivaune Technologies Australia to develop a medical electronics workshop repair and calibration management system. Built using Asp.Net 5, Bootstrap, EF Core and MySql. The system currently under development is deployed as an Azure App Service using docker. The project utilises the Azure Devops and Docker Hub for application packaging and deployment.
- BNP Paribas AMTechnical LeadDIGITAL & ITApril 2017 - December 2021 (4 years and 9 months)Paris, Île-de-France, FranceAs a Technical Lead/Scrum master I supported agile adoption, cloud adoption and continuous improvement across 12 development teams, including implementing best practices such as Continuous Integration, Deployment and Unit Testing. I developed a transversal Authentication and Authorisation application that integrates with the corporate SSO and User Entitlements systems using ASP. Net Core, SQL Server and IdentityServer4. And I also had the role of Senior Software Developer on the "SENSE" project, a asset management research tool developed using .Net Core, ReactJS and MS SQL Server.
- HNDUniversity of Plymouth1993