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Shivam Mehta

Brand Designer | Multi-Disciplinary Designer
  • Suggested rate
    €239 / day
  • Experience3-7 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Shivam's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Chandigarh, India
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Shivam in a few words
A charismatic artist with Midas Touch.
I’m in the business of helping your business grow.

An independent brand builder blending skills in strategy, copywriting, graphic design and art direction. My work focuses on holistically building and launching brands with a compelling narrative and strategy which I then distil into a visual form that's designed to communicate your brand.
  • VidMob
    Contract Creative Director
    November 2020 - Today (4 years and 4 months)
    • Helped global retail brands like Oreo, Lays and Crest to create effective ads consistently across digital.

    • Created dynamic visual products in multiple formats along with the brand guidelines.

    • Multimedia content focused on the call to action.
  • Self Employed
    Brand Manager
    March 2020 - Today (4 years and 12 months)
    Over the years I have been working with creative clients on everything from brand identities and websites to launching new brands in a specific market and scaling the users for the products. I have worn many hats and worked on a wide range of projects for brands in reams of verticals. Here's a summary of those capabilities. ⬇⬇
  • JUVIVE Cosmetic Dermatology
    Brand Manager
    October 2021 - October 2022 (1 year)
    New York, NY, USA
    Project's Impact
    Mobile sessions +45%
    Overall Website Traffic +70%
    Bounce Rate -29%

    Happy words from a happy client
    "As a medical practitioner and a mother of 3, I don't have enough time to take on all of the marketing tasks myself, so it is a huge burden off our shoulders to have someone who can do it perfectly. Shivam helped me reach my marketing goals in a short period of time. He fully understands my ambitions for my online images."
    Dr. Heidi Goodarzi,
    Director and Founder Juvive Dermatology

    Services Executed -
    - Overall Brand Revamp with a fresh take on branding and a new website.
    - Packaging designed for e-commerce.
    - Search Engine Optimization.
    - Crafting marketing collateral to launch the new brand.
    - Advertising the brand on Social Media and Google Ads.
  • Master of Business
    Chandigarh University
    Master of Business Administration - MBA, International Business
  • Bachelor of Science
    Chandigarh University
    Bachelor of Science, Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects