- DewaelePython/Django Backend DeveloperAugust 2024 - Today (4 months)
- PulseLogic BVOwner - Freelance DeveloperJune 2019 - Today (5 years and 6 months)Hasselt, Belgium- Python development- Xojo development- REST Framework- API integration and implementations- Geospatial-related API implementations (GeoJSON, GIS, ...)- OpenCV & Computer Vision- Machine learning
- MeraparPython DeveloperAugust 2022 - January 2023 (5 months)Development of micro-services, API's and backend solutions in Python Deployment to various AWS infrastructure services (via PulseLogic BV)
- CCNACVO HEUSDEN-ZOLDER2010Cisco Certified Network Associate, Network and System Administration/ Administrator
- Computer technicianSyntra2008, IT, Computer technician
- Elektrical InstallationsTechnisch Instituut Heilig Hart2006, Elektrical Appliances, Elektrical Installations