- Sanakey GmbHFull-stack DeveloperHEALTH & WELLNESSOctober 2019 - November 2022 (3 years and 1 month)Developed a platform for doctors to register independently and allow them to invoice health assurances for special treatments under the German social security code (§140a SGB V contracts.). Built the back end with Django, Django REST framework, and Celery for long-running async tasks. RabbitMQ is used as the message queue. Developed the front end in Angular (currently v12) . It is configured to use lazy loading of components. The CSS framework bootstrap is used for more straightforward responsive layouts. Project managed with Kanban by using a self-hosted tool. Deployed using application servers and proxies on standard virtual machines. The configuration for auto scalers is ready to use if required. Hired, trained, and reviewed the performance of a two-person development team on a software development project.
- BachelorNanyang Technological University2012